It's been another few weeks, and I'm back to building my quad. Since I recently got my transmitter, it was time to start building the electronics of the quad. The AeroQuad project ( link ) is based on an Arduino for the flight control. It basically uses a 3-axis Gyro and a 3-axis Accelerometer for the flight sensing (other sensors such as Magnetometers and Barometers are also supported, but optional: more info ). To connect these sensors, AeroQuad offers a 'shield' for the Arduino ( What is a 'shield'? ). The sensors need to be bought separately. There are 2 shields, AeroQuad Shield v2.0 ( link ) for Arduino Mega and AeroQuad Shield v1.9 ( link ) for Arduino Duemilanove. Since I already had an Arduino Mega, I ordered the 2.0 shield. With the normal shipping method, it took about 3 weeks to arrive. The shield kit included the following, AeroQuad Shield v2.0 Kit The shield PCB The Logic Level Converter 2 resistors (15K and 7.5K) ULN2003 IC 3 LEDs ...
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